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Combination (ages 4-5)

Building on the techniques developed in the Pre-Dance program, students learn to experience some of the more advanced dance types in one class. The Combination class is a 45 minute class which combines the elementary movements of Ballet, Tap and Jazz training. This program allows students to expand on what they have learned in the Pre-Dance program in preparation for the specialized classes in the higher grades.

Worried about your child's first days in dance all by themselves?  Not to worry, with over 15 years of experience, we know how nervous a new class can be for a little one. 

At Elite, we have an amazing system: from our 'Parent Participation' first weeks, through the 'Stuffie-Sessions' all the way to the live-stream classes, you'll always be right there.  Before you know it, your shy little one will be running into the dance class by themselves!

Plus, when they are ready to be on their own, you can catch their class on EliteTV, our own live-stream!  No more crowded viewing windows or silent CCTVs, catch your child's class at home, getting the groceries or at the salon!

Have more questions?  Our front desk staff is happy to assist you!  Email us at info@elitedance.ca!

Visit our Registration & Fees page to register!